- 作者:馬可.奧理略 (Marcus Aurelius)
- 譯者:盛世教育
- 出版社:笛藤
- 出版日期:2011年03月20日
Leaves, some the wind scatters on the ground - So is the race of men.
Remember how long thou hast been putting off these things, and how often thou hast received an opportunity from the gods, and yet dost not use it.
Through not observing what is in the mind of another a man has seldom been seen to be unhappy; but those who do not observe the movements of their own minds must of necessity be unhappy.
To the body belong sensations, to the soul appetites, to the intelligence principles.
Take away the opinion, and then there is taken away the complaint, “I have been harmed.” Take away the complaint, “I have been harmed,” and the harm is taken away.
Look not round at the depraved morals of others, but run straight along the line without deviating from it.
Everything is only for a day…
Think not so much of what thou hast not as of what thou hast
In passing every day as the last
Attend to the matter which is before thee, whether it is an opinion or an act or a word.
If thou art pained by any external thing, it is not this thing that disturbs thee, but thy own judgment about it.
Every man loves himself more than all the rest of men, but yet sets less value on his own opinion of himself than on the opinion of others.
對待一且切事物都要剝去表面外殼,沉思行為的目的。 冥想什麼是痛苦、什麼是快樂、什麼是死亡、什麼是榮耀與名聲。 對一個人來說,他本身即是真正適合自己的安寧休憩地,沒有人會被其它人干擾,一切取決於你的觀點。
Contemplate the formative principles of things bare of their coverings; the purposes of actions; consider what pain is, what pleasure is, and death, and fame; who is to himself the cause of his uneasiness; how no man is hindered by another; that everything is opinion.
五賢君是在公元96年至180年期間統治羅馬帝國的五位皇帝。而馬可•奧里略 (161年—180年,外號「哲學家皇帝」)是其中最後一位。五賢帝時代權力交替方法非常平安。羅馬歷代帝王中,此五人以和平傳位聞名。各個皇帝選擇其承繼人,然後收養他為義子,以為儲君,如此避免了權力交替前後的政治動亂。故而皇位平穩交替。及至公元180年,馬可•奧里略死於維也納的軍營之中,由親生兒子康茂德(Commodus)繼位。正式結束了五賢帝時代。而這段歷史,也就是電影神鬼戰士(Gladiator)的故事時代背景。電影中片頭出現的老皇帝就是馬可•奧里略。