2014年11月22日 星期六

≡【電影】錢藏凶機 ~ { 咬人狗袂吠!! }

    取材自冷硬派犯罪小說作家Dennis Lehane的短篇作品「Animal Rescue」,並由他親自改編為電影劇本;其知名作品包括被翻拍成《隔離島Shutter Island》、《神秘河流Mystic River》和預計2016年上映由班艾佛列克執導的《夜行人生Live by Night》。主要演員包括近年嶄露頭角演技頗受好評的Tom Hardy(飾演Bob),以及在HBO影集《黑道家族》飾演黑幫老大的已故金球獎影帝James Gandolfini(飾演Marv)。故事由一隻受傷的幼犬被Bob救起開始展開......

Tom Hardy

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There are some sins that you commit,

that you can't come back from,

no matter how hard you try.

    布魯克林的黑幫為了「洗錢」將不法的軌跡抹去,會透過從層層的管道,讓錢在不同的人手上流轉。而交換點通常選擇喧鬧到深夜的酒吧,以掩人耳目;這些酒吧會受到黑幫保護或者直接就由黑幫委託人頭經營。通常在每個月會再隨機選擇其中一間,將當月所有洗淨的黑錢集中回收,而這時的酒吧就會被稱為drop bar。而馬文小酒吧就是擁有這種雙重背景的黑道據點。




我的給分:    A

James John Gandolfini,Cousin Marv
Cousin Marv: "Mmmhmm. At least I had something. I was respected. I was feared. When I walked into a place people sat up, they say up straight, they noticed. What'd you ever have? A barstool, which you put that old Betty at and bought her free drinks and don't you think I don't know you did it on purpose. That was my stool and nobody sat on that stool cause it was Cousin Marv's stool and that meant something! That meant something!"

Bob: "But it didn't… ever. It was just a stool."

Nadia: "I heard that Cousin Marv does own the bar, some hard guys do. You're not a hard guy."
Bob: "Yeah, we had a crew when we was back in the day, when we was younger. Marv, he thought he was a tough guy. Then the neighborhood changed. It wasn't enough to be tough. You had to be mean."
Tom Hardy, Bob
Nadia: "You still in the life?"
Bob: "Nope, I just tend the bar."