2012年4月29日 星期日


美國人力資源網站 CareerCast.com,公布二○一二年全美十大最好和最糟的工作排行榜。在二百項接受評比的職業中,軟體工程師當選最棒頭路冠軍;伐木工人落居最差工作榜首。


      害我小高興一下,不過這裡指的比較像是臺灣定義的BIOS工程師或嵌入式系統設計工程師,偏韌體或作業系統程式設計等。至於寫應用系統的程式設計師則落到了第34名;而系統分析師則還有進前10名的榜單,高居第9位。至於專案經理則沒看到在排名內,不知是沒被比較還是落在伐木工之後 哈~

1. Software Engineer

Researches, designs, develops and maintains software systems along with hardware development for medical, scientific, and industrial purposes.

Overall Score: 176.00Income: $88,142.00.


2. Actuary.

Interprets statistics to determine probabilities of accidents, sickness, and death, and loss of property from theft and natural disasters.

Overall Score: 226.00Income: $88,202.00.


3. Human Resources

Manager.Plans, directs, and/or coordinates all human resource activities and staff of an organization.

Overall Score: 281.00Income: $99,102.00.


4. Dental Hygienist

Assists dentists in diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of a group or private dental practice.

Overall Score: 289.00Income: $68,109.00.


5. Financial Planner

Related to careers in portfolio management, the financial planner offers a broad range of services aimed at assisting individuals in managing and planning their financial future.

Overall Score: 300.00Income: $104,161.00.


6. Audiologist

Diagnoses and treats hearing problems by attempting to discover the range, nature, and degree of hearing function.

Overall Score: 311.00Income: $67,137.00.


7. Occupational Therapist

Develops individualized programs of activity for mentally, physically, developmentally and emotionally impaired persons, to aid them in achieving self-reliance.

Overall Score: 318.00Income: $72,110.00.


8. Online Advertising Manager

Plans, directs, or coordinates advertising policies, campaigns and programs online.

Overall Score: 343.00Income: $87,255.00.


9. Computer Systems Analyst

Plans and develops computer systems for businesses and scientific institutions.

Overall Score: 370.00Income: $78,148.00.


10. Mathematician

Applies mathematical theories and formulas to teach or solve problems in a business, educational, or industrial climate.

Overall Score: 392.00Income: $99,191.00.


11. Speech Pathologist

Assesses hearing, speech, and language disabilities and provides treatment. Assists individuals with communication disorders through diagnostic techniques.

Overall Score: 397.00Income: $67,142.00.


12. Optometrist

Diagnoses visual disorders and prescribes and administers corrective and rehabilitative treatments.

Overall Score: 421.00Income: $95,152.00.


13. Physical Therapist

Plans and directs treatment to improve mobility and alleviate pain in persons disabled by injury or disease.

Overall Score: 438.00Income: $76,100.00.


14. Pharmacist

Advises physicians and patients on the affects of drugs and medications; prepares and dispenses prescriptions.

Overall Score: 476.00Income: $112,070.00.


15. Web Developer

Creating and maintaining layout, navigation, and interactivity of intranet and internet websites.

Overall Score: 484.00Income: $76,179.00.


16. Petroleum Engineer

Plans drilling locations and effective production methods for optimal access to oil and natural gas.

Overall Score: 506.00Income: $114,148.00.


17. Dietitian

Assesses patients' dietary needs, plans menus, and instructs patients and their families about proper nutritional care.

Overall Score: 510.00Income: $53,127.00.


18. Statistician

Tabulates, analyzes, and interprets the numeric results of experiments and surveys.

Overall Score: 517.00Income: $73,205.00.


19. Chiropractor

Treats physical problems by manipulating various parts of the body, especially the spinal column.

Overall Score: 518.00Income: $67,350.00.


20. Sociologist

Studies human behavior by examining the interaction of social groups and institutions.

Overall Score: 532.00Income: $72,195.00.


21. Veterinarian

Administers to the care of animals through the use of preventative and diagnostic techniques.

Overall Score: 534.00Income: $82,190.00.


22. Geologist

Studies and analyzes the physical properties of the earth's surface, adding to our knowledge of oil and gas exploration techniques.

Overall Score: 534.00Income: $83,266.00.


23. Orthodontist

Diagnoses and corrects deviations in dental growth, development and position.

Overall Score: 537.00Income: $117,126.00.


24. Podiatrist

Diagnoses and treats problems of the feet, through corrective devices, medication, therapy, and surgery.

Overall Score: 541.00Income: $118,246.00.


25. Physicist

Researches and develops theories concerning the physical forces of nature.

Overall Score: 558.00Income: $106,183.00.


26. Physician Assistant

Aids in the performance of essential procedures which free physicians to attend to more specialized aspects of their work.

Overall Score: 561.00Income: $86,107.00.


27. Biologist

Studies the relationship of plants and animals to their environment.

Overall Score: 564.00Income: $73,285.00.


28. Civil Engineer

Plans and supervises the building of roads, bridges, tunnels, and buildings.

Overall Score: 570.00Income: $78,133.00.


29. Meteorologist

Studies the physical characteristics, motions and processes of the earth's atmosphere.

Overall Score: 571.00Income: $88,193.00.


30. Historian

Analyzes and records historical information from a specific era or according to a particular area of expertise.

Overall Score: 578.00Income: $65,241.00.


31. Museum Curator

Plans and directs activities of workers and arranges for the exhibition of articles of interest to museum visitors.

Overall Score: 580.00Income: $48,207.00.


32. Market Research Analyst

Collects and evaluates data to make recommendations to businesses concerning trends in consumer purchasing.

Overall Score: 582.00Income: $61,236.00.


33. Dentist

Examines, cleans, and repairs teeth, and diagnoses and treats diseases and abnormalities of the mouth.

Overall Score: 582.00Income: $141,144.00.


34. Computer Programmer

Organizes and lists the instructions for computers to process data and solve problems in logical order.

Overall Score: 627.00Income: $71,178.00.


35. Parole Officer

Monitors, counsels, and reports on the progress of individuals who have been released from correctional institutions to serve parole.

Overall Score: 635.00Income: $47,161.00.


36. Vocational Counselor

Helps students with educational and social problems, and provides vocational guidance.

Overall Score: 638.00Income: $53,169.00.


37. Technical Writer

Transforms scientific and technical information into readily understandable language.

Overall Score: 642.00Income: $63,173.00.


38. Nurse (Registered)

Assists physicians in administering holistic medical care and treatment to assigned patients in clinics, hospitals, public health centers, and health maintenance organizations.

Overall Score: 650.00Income: $65,116.00.


39. Medical Secretary

Transcribes dictations, prepares correspondence, and assists physicians and other medical scientists in compiling reports, articles, speeches and conference proceedings.

Overall Score: 653.00Income: $31,114.00.


40. Physician (General Practice)

Performs examinations, diagnoses medical conditions, and prescribes treatment for individuals suffering from injury, discomfort or disease.

Overall Score: 653.00Income: $205,029.00.
