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過著原始狩獵生活的非洲 |
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在18世紀末至19世紀中葉,被帝國主義殖民 |
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隨後非洲在民族主義興起後逐一獨立,但因為列強私心引發各國內部衝突 |
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無辜的非洲百姓只能流落在一個又一個的難民營中,等待希望 |
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蘇丹自1956年由英國統治下獨立後便內戰不斷。1983年起長達21年的內戰中,有大約2百萬平民喪生,另外4百萬民眾背井離鄉,其中包括了27000名努爾族和丁卡族的年輕男孩。這些年輕的小難民在國際上被稱為『蘇丹的迷失男孩』。在2001年,美國收容了3800名迷失男孩,讓他們到美國重新生活 ~

故事開始於位於非洲蘇丹南方的恬靜農村,一日北方武裝民兵襲擊這個村落,屠殺了整個村子,倖存下來的Theo成為族長,帶領Mamere、Jeremiah、Paul、Abital和Gabriel 一行6個小孩。遵循村中長老指示,想往東方伊索匹亞尋求庇護。
然而正當他們千辛萬苦,即將抵達時,卻遇到另一批從伊索匹亞折返的難民。所以只好加入了這個長長的隊伍,前往另一個目的地—烏干達與肯亞交界處的 Kakuma難民營。途中不僅忍受飢渴、烈日,更要面對北蘇丹武裝民兵無情的追殺。就在一次和民兵不期而遇時,Theo果斷犧牲自己讓民兵捉走,拯救躲在草叢的其他人。也因此,Mamere成為他們的新族長,這也成了他們心中永遠難忘的痛。
在歷經三千里的路程後,千辛苦萬地來到了庇護所。只是在難民營的日子雖然有吃、有住,但卻無法看到未來的希望。在聯合國的勸說下,美國同意收留部分的年輕難民。也因此,前往美國成為難民們企盼的轉淚點。終於幸運之神眷顧了Mamere一家人,讓他們踏上了全新美國夢的旅程 --
只是,因為收容作業的緣故,Mamere、Jeremiah和Paul被迫和他們的姐妹Abital 分離,被安排在不同的城市。他們除了語言文化上的衝擊外,也得趕快適應新的 生活,面臨如何重新起步出發的挑戰。幸好遇到了善良的職業介紹所職員Carrie,除了幫助他們找到工作、也試著帶領他們融入新生活。而在一些時光的相處後,Carrie被Mamere三人單純善良的心,以及對生命的信念所感動。讓她決定幫助他們把Abital接回來一起生活,讓這些人的生命更圓滿。
只是這樣甜蜜的生活被一封來自難民營的信給打亂了。原以為已不在人間的Theo來到的難民營尋找他們,Mamere決定前往肯亞確認並迎接哥哥回美國。在看到哥哥Theo被民兵捉走所遭遇的苦痛後,他更下定決心一定要讓Theo到美國過較好的日子。只是在『911』事件後,這樣的可能性早已不復存在,在肯亞的各國大使館間奔走多時,卻一直沒有好消息的Mamere 決定要留下來,讓Theo冒名頂替回美國。說了這個他覺得對大家都好的 — the good lie ~
我的給分: B+
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1983蘇丹內戰 / 2013南蘇丹內戰
只是原以為這個百廢待舉的國家,可以踏上重建之路,讓人民安居樂業。但沒想到2013年12月南蘇丹內部再度爆發武裝衝突,這次敵對雙方是曾一起對抗北蘇丹的同志。南蘇丹總統基爾(Salva Kiir)指出,一群效忠前副總統馬查爾(Riek Machar)的部隊,試圖以武力奪取政權。基爾所屬的丁卡族(Dinka)是南蘇丹最大族群,而馬查爾所屬的努爾族(Nuer)次之,雙方稱得上旗鼓相當。
由努爾族所組成的民兵,加上倒戈的政府軍,開始與正規部隊展開生死戰,雙方血流成河,已有數千人死亡,上百萬人民流離失所無家可歸。而雙方的戰鬥直到現在仍持續中 …..。
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1985年為非洲孩童 募款 的 大合唱
『We are the world』
There is a time
When we should hear a certain call
cause the world, it seems it's written in these lines
cause there's a chance for taking
In leading our own lives
It seems we need nothing at all
I used to feel
I should give away my heart
And it shows that we are needed in there
Then I read the headlines
And it said that got in there
And it showed that we must heed instead
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a chance we're taking
We're taking our lives
It's true we'll make it a brighter day just you and me
Giving your heart
And you will see that someone cares
Cause you know that they can't feed them all
Then I read the papers
And it said that you and I
And it shows the second when we will call
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a chance we're taking
We're taking our lifes
It's true we're make it a brighter day just you and me
Now there's a time when we must love them at all
And it seem the life, it don't make love at all
But if you'd be there,and i'll love you more and more
It seems in life, I didn't do that
We are the world
(The world!)
We are the children
(Are the children!)
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
(Let's start giving!)
There's a chance we're taking
We're taking our lives
It's true we'll make it a brighter day just you and me
We are the world
(Are the world!)
We are the children
(Are the children!)
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
(So let's start giving!)
There's a chance we're taking
We're taking our lives
It's true we'll make it a brighter day just you and me
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
(Cause that's what we're being!)
There's a chance we're taking
We're taking our lives
It's true we'll make it a brighter day just you and me
(Com'on! Yeah!)
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
(Cause that's what we're being!)
There's a chance we're taking
We're taking our lives
It's true we're make it a brighter day just you and me
(Oooooooh Yeah!)
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
(Cause that's what we're being!)
There's a chance we're taking
We're taking all our lives
It's true we'll make it a brighter day just you and me